The Bergstrom Indoor Practice Facility is a $9.6M facility at Iowa State University that was completed in 2004. Foundations for the 92,000 square-foot building are supported on drilled shafts founded into the Wisconsinan subglacial till formation. The free-spanning roof structure is supported with steel pipe trusses anchored to 6 cast-in-place concrete buttresses. TEAM Services, Inc. is the geotechnical engineer of record and performed the construction special inspection and testing for the project. Project testing requirements included special inspection of steel fabrication, caisson installation, steel coating thickness, steel erection and reinforced concrete construction. |
Bergstrom Indoor Practice Facility, Ames, Iowa |
Open in 2007, the new 33,500 square foot Hixson Lied Student Success Center on the Iowa State University campus provides academic counseling, tutoring and testing for all students. At a total cost of $10M, the new building was constructed with shallow foundations bearing on glacial till soils and a shell of cast-in-place and precast concrete along with masonry. The unique tile roof completes the one-of-a-kind facade that earmarks the Richardson Court area of campus. TEAM Services, Inc. is the geotechnical engineer of record for this magnificent structure. TEAM Services also performed the construction special inspection and testing for the foundations, reinforced concrete and masonry, and earthwork. |
Hixson Lied Student Success Center, Ames, Iowa |
The new $62M Science Center of Iowa was opened to the public in May 2005 replacing the old facility which opened in 1970. The new 110,000 square foot facility was constructed in downtown Des Moines in an effort to help revitalize the downtown area. The building was constructed with deep auger-cast pile foundations within the alluvial soils from the nearby Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers and the underlying bedrock strata. TEAM Services, Inc. performed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering for the project which included coordination with archaeologists due to the proximity to early Des Moines settlements. TEAM also performed the construction special inspection and testing of deep foundations, reinforced concrete, masonry and structural steel. |
Science Center of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa |
The new EMC headquarters began construction in 1994 and is the third tallest building in Iowa. The building was constructed with deep wet hole caisson piers extending into bedrock. TEAM Services, Inc. performed special inspection for the project which included testing of deep foundations, reinforced concrete, and structural steel. |
EMC Co. Headquarters, Des Moines, Iowa |
Missouri Ethanol began operations in Laddonia in 2006 as only the fourth ethanol plant in Missouri. The $74M plant uses about 17 million bushels of corn to produce over 45 millions gallons of ethanol annually. The buildings and storage structures are founded on shallow spread and mat foundations bearing on the glacial till soils prevalent at the site. TEAM Services, Inc. performed the subsurface exploration, geotechnical engineering and construction special inspection for the project. Project responsibilities during construction included special inspection of foundations, cast-in-place reinforced concrete, earthwork, structural steel, pavements and rail loop construction. |
Missouri Ethanol Plant, Laddonia, Missouri |
The 32,000 square-foot eServ facility in Davenport was completed in 2007 and serves as the hub to the other eServ offices in Illinois and Wisconsin. |
eServ, Davenport, Iowa |
The FedEx Freight Distribution Facility in East Moline, Illinois was completed in 2008. The project consisted of a large warehouse/office building surrounded by asphalt paving. TEAM Services, Inc. performed field geotechnical engineering services for the project and performed materials inspection and testing during construction. Geotechnical services included pavement
subdrain design utilizing the many existing field tiles at the site. The subdrain system drains the groundwater to the perimeter retention ponds and provides for a good drainable subgrade sufficient for construction of the asphalt pavement and base rock section. Additional services by TEAM included inspections and testing of foundations, concrete, reinforcing steel, asphalt and structural steel. |
FedEx Freight Distribution Center, E. Moline, Illinois |
The new $12.5 million, 66,000 square-foot police headquarters in Moline, Illinois was opened in January 2007. The building, which includes a basement level, is supported on drilled pier foundations socketed into the primary shale bedrock stratum. TEAM Services, Inc. performed field geotechnical inspections along with the special inspections and testing during construction of the new building. These services included special inspection and testing of drilled piers, concrete, reinforcing steel, masonry and structural steel. |
Moline Police Headquarters, Moline, Illinois |
Open in 2006, the $120 million, 340-acre resort features a 29,000 square-foot casino, 200-room hotel, conference center and an 18-hole golf course. Built near the flood plain of the Iowa River, the hotel structure is supported on driven H-pile foundations through the upper alluvial deposits into the underlying glacial till stratum. The remaining casino and convention center are supported on shallow spread foundations. The deck slabs for the hotel consisted of post-tensioned concrete. TEAM Services, Inc. is the geotechnical engineer of record for the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort along with the adjacent water treatment plant. TEAM Services also performed construction special inspection and testing for both projects.
These services included inspection and testing of earthwork, pile foundations, concrete, reinforcing steel, asphalt, post-tensioning and structural steel. |
Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, Riverside, Iowa
Opened in 2010, this magnificent pedestrian bridge crosses the Des Moines River linking the riverwalk trails from downtown to the East Village. TEAM Services, Inc. is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the bridge and performed subsurface exploration borings at the abutments and within the river. A barge rig was used to obtain soil and bedrock samples from the river bottom for use in designing temporary piling to support construction operations along the center span. Borehole shear testing was performed on the near surface soils and weathered shale, while
pressuremeter testing was performed on the underlying hard limestone bedrock formation for determination of bearing pressures for design of the deep caisson foundations at the bridge abutments. TEAM Services also performed Special Inspection and testing during construction that included inspection of caissons, reinforcing and structural steel and concrete. |
Principal Riverwalk Pedestrian Bridge, Des Moines, IA |
Settled on the banks of the Mississippi River, Kone Centre offers a mixed-use of retail, office and condominiums at Bass Street Landing in Moline’s Riverfront District. Construction of the $40M 8-story building consists primarily of structural steel and glass with reinforced concrete floor slabs. Drilled cast-in-place concrete caissons bearing on the primary limestone bedrock stratum provide a solid foundation for Kone’s new American Operations Headquarters which opened in August, 2012. TEAM Services is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the
Kone Centre and its adjacent two-level parking structure. TEAM Services also performed Special Inspection and testing during construction that included inspection of caissons, reinforcing and structural steel and concrete. |
Kone Centre, Moline, Illinois |